Storing fleet vehicle video footage in the cloud

The benefits of storing your fleet vehicle video footage in the cloud

The option of Cloud storage makes multi-camera recording easy.

How do you currently store the vital video footage recorded by your vehicles?

In such a fast-moving industry, it’s vitally important to ensure that your vehicles & drivers are as safe as possible whilst they’re out on the road, fleets are increasingly seeking to have multi-camera systems recording their vehicles movements – making the change can mean a lot of data management when operating a hard drive/SD card in each vehicle, but utilising cloud technology to store all of that footage for you can have some huge benefits. 

Disaster Recovery

If your vehicle is involved in a road traffic collision and the hard drive or SD card is damaged beyond repair, this can create real problems when speaking to insurers should the discussion of liability arise.
Recording live to the cloud alleviates any issues with potential data loss when you need it most. 


Jumping in and out of the cab and searching through video on your desktop is time consuming, and that’s if it’s possible at all – your vehicle might be half way across the country when you need access to the footage, don’t let this get in your way.
Cloud storage can be managed remotely, accessed instantly & made available at any time.

Financial Rewards

Storing multi camera video footage across your entire fleet naturally comes with costs; the initial installation of camera systems, time of an employee set to manage the recordings, backing your data up, and the potential cost of vital video being lost in the event of an unforeseen incident.
Get the benefits of round the clock video recording for your vehicles, without needing to manage it yourselves, we can monitor footage for you, and check your vehicles periodically to ensure that any potential faults are known about before they become a problem.

Don’t worry – if you already run forward facing cameras with hard drives, you may not require any hardware changes to make cloud storage possible – please get in touch to find out more.

Call us on 01440 709579

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